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Tank Management

4 x Variations

Tanktronic Control Unit complete with Sensor and Cable

includes pressure and temperature sensor with cable and connection box assembly, for tank monitoring and control

Price(s) From £727.20 £727.20 Price (incl. VAT)
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Tanktronic S-Module

for Tanktronic cold water storage tank management system applications, expansion module to allow additional sensors, valves and output. To be installed with a Tanktronic Control Unit, the software version of the Control unit and S-Module must match, contact Keraflo for assistance

£296.40 £296.40 Price (incl. VAT)
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Tanktronic Battery Module

for Tanktronic cold water storage tank management system applications, battery back-up module

£262.80 £262.80 Price (incl. VAT)
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Tanktronic Repeater Unit

for Tanktronic cold water storage tank management system applications, repeater unit for convenient operation. To be installed with an existing Tanktronic Control Unit (up to 100 metres away). The software version of the Control unit and Repeater must match, contact Keraflo for assistance.

£349.20 £349.20 Price (incl. VAT)
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4 x Variations

Tanktronic Sensor and Connection Box with Cable

complete with pressure and temperature sensor & amp; connection box. Additional or replacement sensor for installation with Tanktronic Control Unit

Price(s) From £378.00 £378.00 Price (incl. VAT)
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5 x Variations

Tanktronic Servo Ceramic Valve (SCV)

complete with connection box and 3 metre cable, for motorised filling of cold water storage tanks. To be installed with a Tanktronic Control Unit purchased after March 2018, contact Keraflo for assistance

Price(s) From £928.80 £928.80 Price (incl. VAT)
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10 x Variations

Tanktronic Control Valve

for supply of cold water storage tanks, controlled by a Tanktronic Control Unit - not included

Price(s) From £3157.20 £3157.20 Price (incl. VAT)
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Tanktronic Control Unit

for Tanktronic cold water storage tank management system applications, replacement control unit (sensor assembly not included)

£409.20 £409.20 Price (incl. VAT)
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What Our Customers Say...

We have been dealing with Keraflo since 2006 and have found both their products and customer service second to none.

Stuart Clark, Quality Manager, Nicholson Plastics Ltd

Testimonial Rating

Having dealt with Keraflo for over 16 years, we (Fraser & Ellis) are proud to be associated with and to offer a guaranteed quality product.

Paul Fraser, Managing Director, Fraser & Ellis Ltd

Testimonial Rating

The Keraflo valve has been and is a ground-breaking high quality product which never fails to deliver.

Norman Ross, Sales Director, Balmoral Tanks Ltd

Testimonial Rating
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